Friday, August 29, 2014

Alright, Alright, Alright

Dear You,

I am writing this to tell you that I have been writing things, but I have so many post started that I don't know which to finish. I figure everything happens in due time but I definitely wanted to let you know that I miss you dearly and I will get back to sharing my experiences very soon.

You know I'm planning my wedding now and I don't like doing things last minute so last time I checked my "knot" checklist I was a month ahead.. whoo hooo!!? right?! nah.. you know the holidays are coming up and my Back to the Future event and birthdays (my child will be 8)  and the new year.. and poof! it'll be March.
Oh not to mention that I still have to live (you know go to work) and maintain a household and raise a young black man in this here world. And soccer season begins next week and we are trying to squeeze Tae Kwon Do in the schedule because it keeps my child on 5.5 and not 11.5. I would like to take a vacation before we take the big plunge buuuuut yeah that money will be better spent another way.
STUNT DOUBLE.. can I get a stunt double? just for a few months? No? ok I tried.

Well,  that's all the time I have for now. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be doing something else.